Flex Engine
Helpful Resources
Art Blocks technical documentation: https://docs.artblocks.io/creator-docs/art-blocks-engine-onboarding/art-blocks-engine-101/engine-technical-details/#art-blocks-engine-flex-technical-details
Deploying to Testnet
Watch this 5 minute Loom video describes the basics of getting setup on the Flex Engine contract.
The smart contract is deployed on the Goerli testnet which uses "fake" ETH to pay for transactions. You can request Goerli ETH here: https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/
Visit the staging home page: https://artist-staging.artblocks.io/.
Connect your wallet associated with the artist address you provided to the Bright Moments team and sign the nonce to connect to the Art Blocks staging website.
Visit your project’s test environment by going to the Goerli URL, replacing the last field (<PROJECT-ID>) with your Project ID: https://artist-staging.artblocks.io/engine/flex/projects/0x2146A41F2c1432895d6D0ADF9c60BF0a226Bac0e/PROJECT-ID
Edit the project fields.
Project name
Artist name
Project website
Project description
Display notes (optional)
Project license: eg. NFT License 2.0, CC BY-NC 4.0, CC BY 4.0, etc
Helpful resource on licenses here: https://creativecommons.org/choose/
Maximum invocations: collection size
Base uri: https://token.staging.artblocks.io/0x2146A41F2c1432895d6D0ADF9c60BF0a226Bac0e/
Script type
Aspect ratio (width / height)
Upload your project script. We recommend splitting your code into 10 kb chunks uploaded over multiple transactions. More info here on preparing your script for Art Blocks Engine: https://docs.artblocks.io/creator-docs/creator-onboarding/readme/#documentation
Upload your features script. More info here: https://docs.artblocks.io/creator-docs/creator-onboarding/readme/project-form-fields-guide/#features
Learn more about the Art Blocks Flex Engine Technical Details here: https://docs.artblocks.io/creator-docs/art-blocks-engine-onboarding/art-blocks-engine-101/engine-technical-details/
Minting to Testnet
Go to the Minter smart contract: 0x47A91457a3a1f700097199Fd63c039c4784384aB
Connect to Etherscan using your artist ETH wallet
Find Write function 3) _purchase
Input the following:
_purchase = 0
_projectId = <PROJECT-ID>
Click "Write" and confirm the transaction in your ETH wallet
Once you are satisfied with the outputs, notify the Bright Moments team in Discord that you would like to get set up with a project shell on mainnet.
Contract Details
Testnet (Goerli)
Core Contract: 0x2146a41f2c1432895d6d0adf9c60bf0a226bac0e
Minter Contract: 0x47A91457a3a1f700097199Fd63c039c4784384aB
Core Contract: 0x7c3Ea2b7B3beFA1115aB51c09F0C9f245C500B18
Minter Contract: 0xB5C1F9c5e8032264a10e618fb64042E3C3CDf39c
Art Blocks Artist Interface
To view your project interface, replace (<PROJECT-ID>) with your Project ID.
Last updated
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